Monday, 25 April 2016

Rib-it, Rib-it! We've Got Someone New In Our Class!

Hi Everyone, we hope you are enjoying the holidays.
We have a surprise for you...
I'm hiding...

But, I'm trying to get out of the water...
now that I'm a frog I can't live in deep water, 
I have to live on the rocks.

I'm trying to climb..still trying... not yet...

Ha ha, my cousins want to keep swimming...

Yes, I did it! 
I kept trying!

See my little tail? It's nearly gone. 
Now I have to learn to catch, and eat flies.

And my cousins are eating their lettuce stew,
 and they will change into frogs, too.
We can't wait to get back to school to find out!

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Check Out Our Tadpoles - The Bay

               If you haven't been into our class lately, you should! 
                Our little tadpoles are growing, GRowing, GROWING! 
                  Two of them have back legs now, so we had to empty 
                  out some of the water so that they can climb on the rocks
                     - otherwise they will drown. 
                       Wow, we are learning lots of new things about 
                        creatures in our backyards - and it's fun and interesting.

The Bay's Buzzy, Bizzy, Bestie Bee Stories

We had a really fantastic time learning about bees and 
how important they are in our backyards. 
We need bees and bees need us. 
We learnt that bees have many different jobs to do in their bee hives. 
We pretended we were the bees and picked our favourite bee 
to tell the story of each bee's job.
We hope you enjoy learning about bees, too.
Our stories are on display in the Hallway outside our class.
You will also see all our buzzy bees zooming around the class. 
Bees flap their wings so fast, 200 times per second, when they do their bee dance.